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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Managers of Their Chores

Biblical basis for Chores
Why should Christian parents teach their children to do their chores? Why invest time and effort needed to achieve this end? Does Scripture have anything to say about this topic?
From the beginning, man was created to be a worker, someone who is busy and industrious. He was not made to be a slothful person, which would be the opposite of a hardworking one. There are twenty one references in the Bible to individuals who are called slothful or sluggards; none are positive. A good examples Proverbs 21:25. "The desire of the slothful killeth him, for his hands refuse to labour." It is clear that Christian parents should not desire to raise slothful children. I could go on and on about the scripture but the point is life involves work. Scripture lays a strong foundation directing us toward the importance of work and service. Proverbs 6:6-8 suggest we look ants and learn from them what it means to be responsible and work.
AS defined in the dictionary, Chore: A minor task or job that needs to be performed on a regular basis for the upkeep of one's home, in service to the family or as personal responsibility.
When I 1st began the chore system I was overwhelmed and scared but I realized it need not be complex. It is simply involves daily activities which we are all familiar.
In conclusion a parent's investment in teaching his children chores gives positive returns such as perhaps no other investment can. One of these benefits they prepare our children for their future. In addition chores help on a daily basis to a busy family. There are so many more benefits to list here. The most important thing our family has seen is the improvement in our family dynamics and the boys self esteem. For example, before we started our chore rotten Tyler our oldest son (7yrs. old) was slothful, board and always winning. Now he voluntarily gets up 30 min. before everyone wakes up and does his duties. He then wakes everyone up and tells me "Mom I think you need to pray fix breakfast and read us our Bible." Wow, what a great feeling. I was sure it wasn't going to work...but with much prayer and hard work we have found success. If you have any questions please let me know. My other suggestion is to read a excellent book called "Managers of Their Chores" By. Steve and Teri Maxwell. (this is a book recommended by the Dugger Family (20 kids and counting))
Currently the boys are saving up to go to DollyWood in Tn. They have earned 60 out of teh 250 needed. They are so exited they can hardley wait. If anyone has any small odds and ends please let us know they would be thrilled. (i.e. yard work, trash, pet sitting)

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