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Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm so overwhelmed with God’s presents. Let me explain...

In the past 4 months I have doubted what Gods calling was on my life. I have been going back and forth about what degree I wanted to graduate with and what I wanted to do because of being desperate to make money. I have been looking at every avenue that did not fit where God was directing me. With that said...I started feeling God shaking me a little the other day. My husband texted me two days ago while I was in one of my classes feeling like I was going to fail the test I was about to take. It said “Melissa I was prompted to tell you not to give up on my dreams”. After that Tyler wrote me the letter you see in the picture above. Then wouldn’t you know last night Ryan handed me a piece of paper from church  (I was in class again). Its title was “Your Dream Matters…Do Don’t Quit! Gee all I can say is ok God I’m listening.
 As the chaos of the day was setting in today as it always does I felt the weekness creap up again..."what can I do now to make money, I don't want to wait so long..." Soon after feeling thoughs thoughts I was reminded of something my pastor asked us when he was teach on achieving our dreams, “what do people call you most about?” Not even one second after that fleeting thought the phone rang. An old friend’s wife called, she has several questions about getting pregnant and about the birth process. As I spoke to her I hread the pastor’s voice in my head “what do you get excited about?” Wow it was coming together. As I hung up with her I felt encouraged and again I felt what I had heard before the phone call came through “what do people call you about?” To my surprise the phone rang again. It was another friend of mine who is pregnant asking a medical maternity question. LOL When I hung up all I could do is say (out loud) Yes Lord I hear you don’t give up my dream.

I know God has gifted me with the gift of being a servant and I should not be ashamed of it. I have always thought people would look down at me if I said I am a servant to thoughts in need. I have to admit I have been afraid of frailer all my life; I have always felt less than in everything I do no matter how well I do it. But I am braking free from this cycle every day.
Today I learned a few thing that I want to share with everyone:

• All of us have dreams

• There will be challenges while pursuing your dreams

• Many people will laugh at and question your dreams

• Dreams have to be kept alive

• It takes time to see your dreams because a reality

• With God and diligence you can live your dreams
   (Allen Speegle)

I encourage you to go for your dream!! And my best advice is don’t share your dreams with people who don’t have dreams for themselves they will crush your dream and your spirit. Breathe life into your God given dreams and speak them into reality!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Melissa! I know school can be frustrating but once you're out you won't regret it. Keep up the good work.


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