Holly molly!! I'm so glad I prayed over Tyler today.
Tyler's class went to Orlando of a field trip. So I decided to follow the bus so he could ride with the other children. Wow, that was a mistake. The driver of the bus went between 80 to 90 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour area for the entire 40 min. ride. He was also swerving in and out of traffic and he even ran a red light. I frantically called the school, and the busing company so they could get a hold of the driver so he could slow down. By the time we got to the field trip several parents and a teacher where lost because they didn't want to brake the law. Well, let me tell you I wasn't going to let my boy out of my sight. I felt that the kids and the teachers on that bus where depending on me and the other parents to slow the bus down. Anyways, the school got an ear full from a ton of parents and the teachers. My sons teacher actually refused to go back on the bus till they got a new driver. Wow, what a day. The point to this story is always pray over your children even if you think they will be safe....anything can happen.
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