Sorry I have been away so long, so much has happened in such a small amount of time. To start off with 2 months ago I was urged by a friend of my father to challenge the CNA state exam so I could get a job at the hospital. So I hesitantly listened. I gave up every reservation about how stupid I was and how I never could imagine I could be successful and serve others at the same time. So I took the challenge with my best girl friend and we both past with flying colors. I do have to say a few nights before the test I had worked my self into such a frenzy that I literally made myself sick.
After I passed the exam I started to apply for jobs everywhere. But there was one job I really wanted. The instant I clarified that in my mind I remember vividly. I was taking the boys to see where Mommy went to school. In our travels we had to pass the Florida Waterman Hospital. When we approached the hospital I outstretched my right arm and told the boy to pray right now that Mommy would have favor to get a job there because that is where I wanted to be. As I said that Tyler told me “don’t worry Mommy you already have a job there“. Little did I know the Lord heard my desire and the faith of my son. I did receive a job offer one week later. I interview with two woman. The first ladies name was Sue. When I walked into her office she was very inquisitive about my profession as a Doula. She said she was very interested because she really had no idea what that was until a month ago when her son and daughter in law used a Doula for the birth of her 1st grand baby. So with that said she was very please with my work. (thank you Lord for that!) The next interviewer was a women named Sherry. Sherry is the RN manager for my department. I felt as though the interview went pretty well except my horrible mistake with the questions she asked me about vital signs. (I did correct my answer though.) Two days later I got a call from Sherry saying she was so impressed she spoke to the head of labor and delivery and Sherry suggested she make a job in OB. After much prayer I came to peace that I should be with Sherry in the position I interviewed for. And low and behold I did stay at that position. It is amazing to me that I was offered a postion at the hospital that my son Tyler declared as the hospital that I was going to work at for a job that in all relality I was not qualified for. ( except by the Lords favor) The position that I was hired for was for night shift, flex floater on 2 and 3 south overflow unit.
With all the joy reality started to kick in with a long week of orientation. My poor boys where shocked to say the least that mommy wasn’t there for most of the week. The boys ended up going to extended care at there school and my mother picked the kids up and watched them till I got out around 4:30 pm. During that time Austin started peeing and popping in his pants, and having screaming fits. My poor baby was missing me terribly. So after the orientation drama Ryan and I made special time with the boys. I even let the little boys stay home on Monday to just spend time with me.
Well with all that history caught up with I am now facing my biggest giant yet. WORK
I start tomorrow night. I have to be there at Wednesday 6:45 pm.
I am frighten and intimidated. I have 3 nights in a row and one day that I won’t be able to sleep but maybe 1hr. 30 min striate.
My schedule will look like this:
Tue. 18th of May 2010
Stay up till 4 am so my body starts to get adjusted
Total Sleep time: 3 hours
Wed. 19th of May 2010
Wake up at 7 am get kids ready for school
Finish dropping kids off at school at 8:30 am
8:45 -10:45am Sleep
11:15-11:30 feed kids
11:40- 1:30 take nap with boys
1:40 Pick up Tyler
2:00-4:00 Spend with boys
4:10-5:30 Fix dinner and eat with family
5:30 -6:00 get ready for work
6:15 leave for work
6:45 Shift begins
Total sleeping time: 3.5 hrs.
Thru. 20th of May 2010
7:15 shift ends
7:30 get ready for bed (shower breakfast)
8:00-2:00 sleep
2:30 pick up little boys
2:50 Pick up Tyler
3:00 take it easy with boys
4:30-5:30 fix dinner/eat with family
6:15 leave for work
6:45 shift begins
Total sleep time: 6 hrs.
Fri. 21st of May 2010
7:15 shift ends
7:30 Ryan drops off kids at hospital, take kids to school
8:20 get home wash up eat breakfast
8:30-9:15 sleep
9:30watch program at school
10:30 take kids home, eat lunch
11:00-2:30 nap
3:00 pick Tyler up
3:20- 5:00 rest/ play with kids
6:00 drop kids off at Shellie’s house
6:15 go to work
6:45 Shift begins
Total sleep time: 4 hrs.
Sat. 22nd of may 2010
7:15 shift ends
7:30 pick up kids
8:00 fix breakfast
8:45 Ryan comes home
9:00-3:00 go to sleep
3:00-11:00 (enjoy) family time
Total sleep time: 6 hrs.
Ok I’m really afraid how my body is going to act with this crazy schedule. This is not a normal schedule. The week after that I work M, W, SUN. What do I do? How do I survive? Please pray for me!!
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